Techniques to attract people!!!!!
We always think how is it that we can attract people’s attention towards us? What should we say? What we shouldn’t? What should we do and what we shouldn’t? To attract someone’s attention all we need to figure out is the attractiveness of others…… How is it possible, Happy Reading!!!!
Well all our thinking comes to these simple seven steps to be followed when we want to attract people.
Ø Don’t criticize, condemn or complain: Everybody is human understand it and respect it!!
Ø Learn not to be angry: Nobody likes tantrum and everybody is angry on each and everything. So be COOL, sometimes it helps!!!
Ø When you have no words just laugh, laugh from the bottoms of your heart. This will definitely make you more approachable.
Ø Learn to appreciate the efforts of others!!! Whatever someone has done for you appreciate it genuinely from the heart.
Ø Everybody is important in his or her own sense and views, you just have to point out that YOU ARE IMPORTANT. Learn to love yourself and others would love you too.
Ø Listening is better than talking, always listen to others point.
Ø Help others only when they need it. No Unnecessary helping.
Attracting people is the first step to create and build rapport with people. With these techniques mentioned above, it is clear that it isn’t a mountain climbing task. But yes it requires us to follow these seven techniques and practice them in our daily lives..
Listening to your thoughts!!!!