Recently, I attended a session on Power of Positive Thinking where the speaker suggested how the entire world works on the Law of Attraction. Whatever we think of, whatever we really focus on, is what we get. It is actually our own thought process that makes us win or lose things in life. The last few days, after I attended the session, have actually been funny. In my own small way, I have started to notice a difference. Every time, a negative thought crosses my mind, every time there is a fear that I feel, I convert it to a positive thought. I tell myself a story in the most positive words possible and somewhere it gives me immense confidence. Eventually I realize that by constantly forcing myself to think positive, using positive language, I realize that things are changing for good. It may be too early to say it with 100% belief if just your thought process can change everything for good around you, but I surely am seeing some tiny winy changes and I sincerely hope the same continues.
Having shared my thoughts, I would love to hear from you all about your thoughts, your experiences.
Did it ever happen to you that a mere change of thought from negative to positive, a mere change of language, actually changed the end results for you?
Would love to hear your stories….