11 Motivators to Enhance People Performance

Hello folks! Are you all set for the coming week? Well, after reading this particular piece I am sure you will be.

Friends if you remember a few days back I shared with you guys a short list of de-motivators that should be kept away at the work front.  In the same post I also promised you guys that I will be sharing a list of motivators, so here it is. I want you to read each one of the following carefully and understand it completely.

I have derived these from several discussions that I have had with entrepreneurs, managers and other employees over workshops and other events. We all should incorporate these in our work life.

1) Praise - Your employees need to know that you really appreciate them.  Your voice, your body language, and the language that you use will affect how your praise is received.  Praise should come from the heart. Recognize outstanding performances at all levels in the organization.  Give praise sooner than later. Praise openly.

2) Be a great communicator- Leadership is influencing others, and this cannot be achieved without effective communication.

3) Trust- Any positive working relationship is based on trust. The most effective leaders are the ones who take the time to listen not just to their team members’ words but to the priceless hidden meaning beneath them. Remember that during good times and bad, sometimes your employees just need someone to talk to. Communicate to them that you are always waiting with open ears. This will definitely help in building trust.

4) Energy- Be an energetic soul in your workplace. Be that kind of leader who brings passion and positive energy in the environment.  Don’t be that spoilt one who just sucks energy from others and treats juniors in a disrespectful manner.

5) Focus/concentration- Take short breaks. Do your hardest tasks when you're most alert , this will help you maximize your concentration. Promise yourself a reward. For instance, make a rule that if you focus intensively for 45 minutes on one task, you can take a break to get a cup of coffee when you're done. Little "self-rewards" can often be great motivators.

6) Confidence- Build the Knowledge you need to Succeed. Focus on the Basics. When you’re starting, don’t try to do anything clever or elaborate. And don’t reach for perfection – just enjoy doing simple things successfully and well. Set Small Goals, and Achieve Them.  You’ll feel your self-confidence building.

7) Love/connection/sense of belonging- Great leaders have deep reserves of physical, spiritual, and emotional energy, and that energy is usually fueled by a strong and supportive relationship with the people they love, regular exercise, a healthy lifestyle, and setting aside time for reflection.

8) Ambition/challenge- Figure out what you’re scared of – and do it for one week consistently. If you’re in sales, and you’re scared of talking to people personally or over the phone, then you have a problem. You can’t just relate with your clients online, can you? Now, instead of crippling in fear and automatically thinking you’ll fail, spend at least five minutes a day to pick up the phone and make a call to a prospect. Yes, it’s scary. Yes, you may embarrass yourself. And yes, someone may hang up on you. But don’t stop on the first try just yet! You’ll get the hang of it eventually. After a while, you can look at fear in the eyes and say, “Go on, I’m not scared!”

9) Open mind/ Flexible mind- Opening up your mind to new ideas allows you to the opportunity to change what you think and how you view the world. Now, this doesn’t mean you necessarily will change your beliefs—in fact, the process may actually reinforce your current beliefs more strongly–but thinking with an open mind gives you the option of creating positive change and stronger results.

10) Survival in crisis- Mentor your employees, encourage them, make partners out of them, and your organization is sure to benefit. If you want to survive the tough economy, that’s exactly the kind of leadership motif you need for your organization.

11) Growth – The ultimate motivator is growth. If growth is visible in an organization, employees are motivated and the performances are further accelerated.

Tip-Post a sign above your office door that reads, “Don’t Bring Me Problems. Bring Me Solutions.”

If you have anything which still needs to be sorted out or a personal experience that you would like to share, feel free to contact me on Facebook or Twitter.