Was just following this charismatic personality for the last many months. I believe each leader and entrepreneur can learn many things from this legend. here are few lessons which i have learnt and thus thought of sharing with you.

1. Power, position and designation will take you to your destination. While charm will take you everywhere. Prime Minister Modi has attracted all the right kind of attention by using his charm. He is probably the only Prime Minister in the world who is labelled as a ‘Rock-star’.

THE LESSON: Work on your charm factor. It will bring in dividends beyond your calculated ones.

2.  When Modi speaks, people of the world listen. When he dresses, it makes a style statement. When he cracks a joke, everyone laughs. Modi’s persona, in a nutshell, is what leaders are made of.

THE LESSON: Don’t just do your job. Make a difference. Be a leader.

3. When the opposition labelled him as a mere ‘chai-wala’, Modi made it his sole election propaganda. He propagated excellence, perseverance, honesty, intent and strength of character that has the power of transforming even a ‘chai-wala’ to the Prime Minister of the largest democracy of the world. He used this transformation of his as a motivational speech to an audience that has the largest number of youths, as per statics.

THE LESSON: Turn your weaknesses into your strengths. Find out where it can work, and use it to your advantage. If a certain section of the population was ready to beat Modi down as a mere tea-seller, he fished out an ocean of young people and showed them the immense possibility of success, if only they tried.  

4. Modi talks of Gandhi,cutting across party lines, because he knows that Gandhi is still the greatest leader and a matter of pride for all Indians across the globe. When he gives ‘swatch- India’ a Gandhi face, and the idea a spin as the ultimate tribute to the beloved leader, he knows he has made his connect 5 generations deep.

THE LESSON: Never stop chasing new ideas or shining up an old one. It’s this very idea that will make the water flow and keep it fresh. The rest, everything that is stagnant will stale.

5. Within the very first week of taking oath as a Prime Minister, he announced that there will be some tax raise, as the economy is in very bad condition. He said that while there is a certain section of the population who leads a decent and comfortable life, as a Prime Minister his focus will be on that population who sleeps on the streets and eats from the gutter. In an address to a group of students, he shared a well-drawn plan on how he proposed to do so.

THE LESSON: Be courageous. Be honest. Be upfront and share the larger plan. Make even the smallest player significant enough to feel his importance --That even their contribution counts. You will find not just workers who works for a fee, but a group of energised people who provides an immense support system.

6. Modi went to Sydney, which is the largest studying destination for Indians and addressed the Indian crowd after 28 years. His US visit was said to be the largest public address by any Indian Prime Minister overseas. After his visit to Fiji, the Fiji Prime Minister said that for Indians, Fiji will always have a special place. At Madison square the sheer strength of crowd that came to cheer him gave him the rock-star status. There are many more.

THE LESSON: In business, don’t just sign in papers, make a deal and sell your products. Build a brand. And empower the brand with skilful market strategy. Today Modi is just not an Indian Prime Minister – he is a brand – the Modi brand.

7. These days when Modi address the crowd or talks to the media he focuses on what he is doing. He is full of plans and shares them across the board. He does not waste time on making defending statements on the accusations of the oppositions or criticize them.

THE LESSON: The only way to success is by highlighting your own work and not by putting down others.

8. There was a photograph circulated recently on social networking site of Modi, in his younger days, cleaning the floor with a broom in his hand. Party senior leaders said that he has been a silent but relentless party worker. He later became the Chief Minister of Gujrat and changed the face of it. What he has done for Gujrat is an exemplary lesson for all future leaders. Now he is the Prime Minister of India and the one that the nation is looking up to with renewed hope after a very long time.

THE LESSON: Hardwork. Perseverance. Confidence. Hope and honesty. Any person looking for success needs to harbour this five virtues. Will it be impossible without any of these virtues? The answer is a big ‘YES’.

There is a saying “Learn from the mMaster.” From being a tea seller at a corner tea shop to becoming the Prime Minister of the country, the journey has been a long and enlightening one. These days when he speaks, I listen, for he has done it. He is the master. He will tell you to have dreams and they do come true. He will tell you the power of trust and hope. He will show you the virtue of team work. And above all, he will teach you to believe in yourself. Because that belief will take you to your sun!