6 Tips to Socialise on the Social Media

This is the 21st century and it is all about being virtual. No matter what type of brand you are—big or small—you have to show your presence online if you want to be in the game. I interact with a lot of entrepreneurs on a day-to-day basis and for some ‘social media’ is the next big thing. Others believe that it is just a poweful fad which wll fade away. Whatever it may be, I feel every business owner should make complete use of it while it is in the spotlight.
Let me put down some of the advantages of social media for you. Firstly, it increases brand recognition and in turn pools in more opportunities for you. The marketing costs are less as compared to traditional media which is a very important benefit as more profits and traffic is generated ith less investment. It provides a richer customer experience as customer interactions happen on a one-to-one basis and you get improved customer insights. The list can go on but I want to talk about how can you use these readily available tools to grow your network and business.

Even I was a complete social media twat some time back. Face-what? Twit-who? You-how?’, these were my reactions; but it’s very simple, just follow the tips given below and you are good to go.

1.       WEBSITE: When considering your online marketing strategy, your website MUST come first. Think of it as sort of a “base camp” that you will connect to/from any number of external points. Your website is property owned by you, whereas social media pages are owned by someone else. Look at social media sites as simply a vehicle to get your message out there and drive traffic back to what you have control over. Still, getting “social” is an important component to any marketing plan.

2.       FACEBOOK: with an estimated 800 million active users it is ranked as the most used social networking service in the world (by the number of active monthly users). Lucky for you, starting a business page - and tapping into the power of Facebook – is pretty easy. Once your page is created, users ‘like’ it (opt-in to get your posts) and your news will be posted to their ‘wall.’ The Facebook interface makes it easy for your fans to ‘like’ or share your posts and when they do, their friends (the average user has 130 friends) will see this activity, therefore putting your brand in front of an audience you may not normally have access to.

3.       TWITTERA micro-blogging social media site, Twitter has an estimated 300 million users world-wide. I have found that Twitter is an awesome way to connect with people and/or other businesses participating in the same event. Following a hashtag at a concert, live performance or webinar creates a richer experience. As a business owner you can utilize this at events your company participates in – try it! – I’ll bet you’d be blown away by the response.

4.       YOUTUBE: YouTube is a video sharing social media site that is owned by Google. There are more than 48 hours of new video uploaded to the site every minute. Isn’t that WOW! As a small business owner, using video in your online marketing strategy – and the back-end key words of your YouTube video -  is just as important as your other online strategies.
 I use this site to share videos from my events. I also vlog at times about certain things and trust me, it is a great way of increasing brand recognition.

5.       GOOGLE+ : Google is a power house. Some of the features of Google+ include: Circles, Hangouts, Messenger, Instant Upload, Hashtags and more. These products are definitely designed with the user in mind. The downside – there is no way to create a vanity url for your brand page.
Even though this is Google’s fourth go at a social media site, you cannot deny the importance of adding your brand to there, if for search engine rankings alone.

6.       LINKEDIN: LinkedIn gets 2 new members every second, putting it at 135 million active users in more than 200 countries. Traditionally viewed as the spot to put your resume and search for a job, LinkedIn has grown into a robust networking site. From job listings to interest groups, there are great benefits to keeping your profile up-to-date. I always recommend dedicating an hour or so a week maintaining your LinkedIn profile. Also, be sure add your company listing, and update it as well. Use your LinkedIn company profile page like a resume for your business.

 There are more than 100 thriving social media sites online right now and more popping up every single day. It’s enough to make a persons head spin! But I would recommend that you have your business placed at least on the sites mentioned above. Having said that, don’t forget to follow me on the same platform (links provided below)-- networking is the key, remember? Love, BSR.

The Spirit of Entrepreneurship

I have always believed in the spirit of entrepreneurship and always encourage people to indulge in it and pursue their dreams. Instead of working day-in and day-out for somebody else, putting it the same amount of hard work for our self and transforming our life is something that I believe in. Unfortunately, in India ‘Log Kya Kahenge’ has killed many dreams than anything combined together. People just want to follow already accepted social rules and end up becoming a doctor, an engineer or pursuing an MBA. Nobody wants to break the rules and create something bigger and better for them because there are chances of it backfiring and nobody wants to take that risk. Let me tell you one thing today, if you don’t take risks you will end up living an average life and if you are happy with that then congratulations, you are on the right track. But if you want to own that AUDI or purchase a bungalow in the posh Koregaon Park, you will have to go out of your way to achieve it because only then you can materialise your dreams.

So today I am going to share with you a success story of Pune’s first co-working space and start up community, hoping that it will inspire you in some manner. I was casually surfing the Internet and landed up on this page.

Follow this link to get inspired: http://yourstory.com/2015/03/the-mesh/

So keep calm and hire yourself to fulfill your dreams. I can assure you this is the best thing that will ever happen to you because I have my own experience. Entrepreneurship is the awesome because you get to plan your own schedule, have creative freedom and can bring ideas to life, work from anywhere and the most important thing, nobody can fire you!

If you are not keen on taking big risks, take measured risks but take them! Adopt this new lifestyle of thinking differently and see your world go 360 degrees around.


How To Party Like A True Entrepreneur

No matter what you call it — manners, courtesy, etiquette, or civility — you can associate it with leadership. When you take the lead in putting people at ease and making every situation pleasant, you exhibit poise. Poise comes from being self-confident.

This is the 21st century and it is all about networking. If you have any second thoughts in your mind like forcing an introduction or your business details on a complete stranger during a party may be taken as a rude or indecent behaviour, leave that thought. Learn to speak up and invite reactions because you might end up getting a good opportunity. Social parties are a great time to network and expand your business circle. If you know how to mingle with people at a party or social event, you will have an edge over others. So here I am, giving away 8 tips that will help you party like a rockstar and benefit your business from it.

Think about other people and care about them. If you're shy or quiet, learn how to open up to others and not always wait for them to draw you into a conversation. If you're an extrovert and extremely outgoing, you may need to rein in your enthusiasm and let other people have the floor.

Act as if you're a host, not a guest. Reach out to people standing by themselves, the white-knuckle drinkers, or those that look obviously uncomfortable. Introduce people to each other. Be helpful, kind, and genuine. Don't be afraid to approach people. Strangers are merely friends you haven't met yet. If you focus on the other person's comfort, you can lose your own self-consciousness.

Be pleasant, cheerful, and upbeat when mingling, no matter what your mood. If you've had a bad day, don't rain on anyone else's parade by talking about your negative experience — unless, of course, you want to be left standing alone. And when ending a conversation, say that you enjoyed talking with the person or that it was a pleasure meeting her.

Listen more than you talk. You have two ears and one mouth. Use them in that proportion. Nothing is more flattering than someone who listens carefully and shows sincere interest in other people.

Know how to gracefully end conversations. It is perfectly fine to simply say, "Excuse me, it has been nice meeting you" or "I've enjoyed our conversation." Then visibly move to some other part of the room.

Avoid making negative comments on the room, the food, the guests or your host. In any social situation, making negative comments, especially when you're a guest in someone's home, is rude. You never know if another guest can overhear your comments. And, quite often, the person holding the party delegates the actual planning and details to someone else, and you could be speaking with someone that helped with the event.

To engage a stranger into a conversation, find a shared interest. Some common topics of interest include: travel, children or pets (if you both have them), hobbies, current news topics (preferably nothing controversial), sports, careers, films, and books.

Avoid any type of talk regarding physical injuries, sickness, accidents, or off-color language or jokes. Also, commenting on the host's home, décor, or food; spreading offensive gossip; or bringing up controversial subjects that could make others uncomfortable or angry is a bad idea. Keep your tongue in check!

I hope this works for you because it does for me all the time. If you have any other suggestions, queries or comments do drop a message in my inbox on: https://www.facebook.com/CoachBSR I will be more than happy to communicate with you.

Until next time, loads of love and happiness 

Also, take away this super helpful tip for your next party.

Tip: A good conversationalist knows how to be patient and not interrupt; be a good listener. And you need to think about what someone is asking and respond appropriately, just as you need to think about what you want to say and say it clearly.

Motivational Speaker, Mind Power Expert, Author : Dive Within, Business Coach, Leadership Trainer

5 Empowering Tips for Women Entrepreneurs

I had recently organized a workshop for women empowerment where ladies from all walks of life participated with enthusiasm and zest. At the end of the workshop, I had given them a task. The task was to prepare a 5 minute talk that had to be delivered by them during my next workshop. The catch was that this was going to be the first time that they were going to speak in front of a massive crowd of 800 people. Nevertheless they accepted the challenge and most of them were successful in accomplishing it. Apart from this, I was very happy to see them come out of their shell and dance, enjoy and have fun on stage as a huge crowd cheered them for their outgoing behavior. All this was achieved only with a training of one small workshop.
I always believe that if given the right direction, every woman can achieve great amount of success and brighten up her life. And therefore, today’s blog is dedicated to the undying spirit of women entrepreneurs. The marketplace is the ultimate gateway to financial freedom and success. Now, more than ever, women are stepping into it and earning millions of dollars doing it. This year alone, has been a break out year for women entrepreneurs. Women-led businesses are making powerful strides.
I want to motivate you to keep going, challenge you to be better, and urge you to think higher to accelerate your business. So, here are five empowering tips for women entrepreneurs:
1.     Own Your Greatness
Knowing your greatness doesn’t mean you’re perfect. It means you’re secure in your strengths, unlimited by your weaknesses and confident in your power. Too often, we don’t value the brilliance and tenacity that lies within us. We see the best in everybody else but can’t see it in ourselves. Let today be different. You are stepping out on faith, carrying forth your vision and making things happen. You are taking ideas and implementing them into the universe. You are planting seeds towards your success and watching them grow.  These are phenomenal things. Own that and use it as fuel to inspire, impact and change the world.
2.     Be Fearless
Whenever you walk in your greatness, opposition occurs. Fear shows up to bully you, control you and lead you away from your destiny. Don’t let it. Fear is confirmation you’re moving in the right direction. Redirect that nervous energy into something phenomenal. You’ve come this far so why stop now? Keep going. Keep pushing. Keep seeking. The best thing to do with fear is to step right past it. Action is your greatest defense.
3.     Keep Your Eyes on the Prize
If your to-do list looks anything like mine, you probably need more than 24 hours to complete it. You have business stuff, household stuff and don’t forget social media and Thursday night’s Scandal. But being a power woman requires efficiency and discipline with your time. Productivity is key and an indispensable part of your business DNA. Keep your eyes on the prize and be aware of your distractions. Is it too much TV? Is it social media? Is it spending all your time creating the to-do list, versus actually doing it? Remember, distractions are nothing more than roadblocks to your destiny. Be wise with your time and handle your business.
4.     Define Your Fabulous
People often associate fabulous with how someone looks or what someone has, but it’s much broader than that. Fabulous is an expression of the uniqueness of you. It’s the confidence you carry in your personal and professional brand. Are you fabulous? Is your business fabulous? What is it about what you do and how you do it that adds value to the world? When you define your fabulous, it manifests in your confidence and the success of your company.
5.     Go Get It
Growing up, my mother would say, “don’t chase behind people. Let people chase behind you.” I considered that sound advice, until I started a business. I was losing out on sales and great opportunities because I wanted the sales and opportunities to chase me. Many of us are selling ourselves short because we’re waiting on someone else to make things happen in our business. The “chase” is one of your most powerful tools. Don’t be passive. Go all out for opportunities you want and make sure you focus on sales. Most importantly, master the art of the follow-up. It often takes multiple points of contact to seal the deal!

These are just a few reminders to keep you pumped up along the way. It’s exciting to see women owned businesses excel. So keep moving forward and accomplishing every dream you want to. Until next time, lots of love, BSR.

Know more about BSR – The Top Motivational Speaker in India - www.bhupendrasinghrathore.in
Follow BSR - BSR the top motivational speaker in india  - www.facebook.com/coachbsr
Motivational Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Key Note Speaker, Firewalk Expert, Mind Trainer, Behavioral Expert, Business Coach, Glass walking, OD Consultant,

Let's get to Work

Today I am going to blog about this very interesting piece that I came across on the Internet some days back. Since then I am glued to it and so thought of sharing it with you guys. It is a fun activity called 'Let's Get To Work'. This is what you are supposed to do......

Every single day this month you are going to give yourself the gift of time to work on yourself and work on you plans and your future!

Each and every morning spend the first 15 minutes visualising and focusing exclusively on the type of life you want to live and the type of person you want to be!
At the end of that process Take a minute or two to feel grateful for your life and what you already have and promise yourself to build upon it!

Dedicate 15 minutes to your goals each day! 7.5 minutes each end of the day! Write them out and be specific...don't just look at them, write them out so they become second nature and imprinted into your mind!

Invest 15 minutes on your single biggest dream, biggest idea or biggest project. For some of you it might be starting a fashion label or developing that App you keep talking about or working on your life purpose to make an impact on the world...whatever it is get a project book and START!

This next 15 minutes block is very important and often over looked. Invest 15 minutes making connections with people who will help your dream become a reality or change your circumstances...Yes that means getting in the phone and calling around and finding out who you need to know. 

Your biggest challenge is nobody knows who you are and you don't have the contacts to make big things happen so I suggest you start today!

The key thing is to work for 15 minutes with absolute focus & intensity. No distractions just pure and absolute obsessive focus for 15 minutes!

After 31 days you would have invested a days work (7.8 hours) on your dream project, your goals, building your network and focusing your mind on what's possible.

For many of you this is a great place to start on your journey towards your dreams and aspirations!

This has made a huge difference to my life. Hope you to experience it. Until next time, have fun and wishing you a great day and great life ahead.. 

Love, BSR

Know more about BSR – The Top Motivational Speaker in India - www.bhupendrasinghrathore.in
Follow BSR - BSR the top motivational speaker in india  - www.facebook.com/coachbsr
Motivational Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Key Note Speaker, Firewalk Expert, Mind Trainer, Behavioral Expert, Business Coach, Glass walking, OD Consultant,

How To Be Happy at Work

Most people don’t love their jobs.  In fact, many studies show that only about 1 in 5 people really enjoy their jobs, about 1 in 5 actively dislike their jobs, and the rest are fairly neutral on the topic.
 Lots of how-to-enjoy-your-work-more articles focus on finding a different career, one that ignites or fulfills your passions.  But what if you’re in a job that – for whatever reason – you can’t or don’t want to change?  Maybe you’ve spent years building a skill or expertise, and in order to change jobs, you’d have to start at a much lower level in another field.  Perhaps your current job provides something that you do like – a short commute, good benefits – that you’re not willing to give up.  Or it could be that, in this strange economy, you simply think the smartest move is to stay put.
It’s easy to assume that you can’t change the way you feel about your job. We say to ourselves, ‘it is what it is.’  But there are actually a number of things you can do to enjoy your job more, starting today:
Choose to Be Happy at Work
Happiness is largely a choice. I can hear many of you arguing with me, but it's true. You can choose to be happy at work. Sound simple? Yes. But, simplicity is often profoundly difficult to put into action. I wish all of you had the best employer in the world, but, face it, you may not. So, think positively about your work. Dwell on the aspects of your work you like. Avoid negative people and gossip. Find coworkers you like and enjoy and spend your time with them. Your choices at work largely define your experience. You can choose to be happy at work.
Take Charge of Your Own Professional and Personal Development
A young employee complained to me recently that she wanted to change jobs because her boss was not doing enough to help her develop professionally. I asked her whom she thought was the person most interested in her development. The answer, of course, was her. You are the person with the most to gain from continuing to develop professionally. Take charge of your own growth; ask for specific and meaningful help from your boss, but march to the music of your personally developed plan and goals. You have the most to gain from growing - and the most to lose, if you stand still.

Take Responsibility for Knowing What Is Happening at Work
People complain to me daily that they don't receive enough communication and information about what is happening with their company, their department's projects, or their coworkers. Passive vessels, they wait for the boss to fill them up with knowledge. And, the knowledge rarely comes. Why? Because the boss is busy doing her job and she doesn't know what you don't know. Seek out the information you need to work effectively. Develop an information network and use it. Assertively request a weekly meeting with your boss and ask questions to learn. You are in charge of the information you receive.

Ask for Feedback Frequently
Have you made statements such as, "My boss never gives me any feedback, so I never know how I'm doing." Face it, you really know exactly how you're doing. Especially if you feel positively about your performance, you just want to hear him acknowledge you. If you're not positive about your work, think about improving and making a sincere contribution. Then, ask your boss for feedback. Tell him you'd really like to hear his assessment of your work. Talk to your customers, too; if you're serving them well, their feedback is affirming. You are responsible for your own development. Everything else you get is gravy.

Make Only Commitments You Can Keep
One of the most serious causes of work stress and unhappiness is failing to keep commitments. Many employees spend more time making excuses for failing to keep a commitment, and worrying about the consequences of not keeping a commitment, than they do performing the tasks promised. Create a system of organization and planning that enables you to assess your ability to complete a requested commitment. Don't volunteer if you don't have time. If your workload is exceeding your available time and energy, make a comprehensive plan to ask the boss for help and resources. Don't wallow in the swamp of unkept promises.

Avoid Negativity
Choosing to be happy at work means avoiding negative conversations, gossip, and unhappy people as much as possible. No matter how positively you feel, negative people have a profound impact on your psyche. Don't let the negative Neds and Nellies bring you down.
 Practice Professional Courage
If you are like most people, you don't like conflict. And the reason why is simple. You've never been trained to participate in meaningful conflict, so you likely think of conflict as scary, harmful, and hurtful. Conflict can be all three; done well, conflict can also help you accomplish your work mission and your personal vision. Conflict can help you serve customers and create successful products. Happy people accomplish their purpose for working. Why let a little professional courage keep you from achieving your goals and dreams? Make conflict your friend.

If All Else Fails, Job Searching Will Make You Smile
If all of these ideas aren't making you happy at work, it's time to reevaluate your employer, your job, or your entire career. You don't want to spend your life doing work you hate in an unfriendly work environment. Most work environments don't change all that much. But unhappy employees tend to grow even more disgruntled. You can secretly smile while you spend all of your non-work time job searching. It will only be a matter of time until you can quit your job - with a big smile.

In the end I would like to tell you that it doesn't matter how tough things get. You have to keep pushing and grinding and fighting your way to the TOP!
Anyone can Give Up!
Anyone can look for Excuses!
Anyone can let their Fears & Doubts Conquer them!
But not you...You are going to find a way and you are going to make it through the tough times and one day they will call you LUCKY!
Never stop believing in yourself and your vision! Love, BSR.

Know more about BSR – The Top Motivational Speaker in India - www.bhupendrasinghrathore.in
Follow BSR - BSR the top motivational speaker in india  - www.facebook.com/coachbsr
Motivational Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Key Note Speaker, Firewalk Expert, Mind Trainer, Behavioral Expert, Business Coach, Glass walking, OD Consultant,

 Most people don’t love their jobs.  In fact, many studies show that only about 1 in 5 people really enjoy their jobs, about 1 in 5 actively dislike their jobs, and the rest are fairly neutral on the topic.
 Lots of how-to-enjoy-your-work-more articles focus on finding a different career, one that ignites or fulfills your passions.  But what if you’re in a job that – for whatever reason – you can’t or don’t want to change?  Maybe you’ve spent years building a skill or expertise, and in order to change jobs, you’d have to start at a much lower level in another field.  Perhaps your current job provides something that you do like – a short commute, good benefits – that you’re not willing to give up.  Or it could be that, in this strange economy, you simply think the smartest move is to stay put.
It’s easy to assume that you can’t change the way you feel about your job. We say to ourselves, ‘it is what it is.’  But there are actually a number of things you can do to enjoy your job more, starting today:
Choose to Be Happy at Work
Happiness is largely a choice. I can hear many of you arguing with me, but it's true. You can choose to be happy at work. Sound simple? Yes. But, simplicity is often profoundly difficult to put into action. I wish all of you had the best employer in the world, but, face it, you may not. So, think positively about your work. Dwell on the aspects of your work you like. Avoid negative people and gossip. Find coworkers you like and enjoy and spend your time with them. Your choices at work largely define your experience. You can choose to be happy at work.
Take Charge of Your Own Professional and Personal Development
A young employee complained to me recently that she wanted to change jobs because her boss was not doing enough to help her develop professionally. I asked her whom she thought was the person most interested in her development. The answer, of course, was her. You are the person with the most to gain from continuing to develop professionally. Take charge of your own growth; ask for specific and meaningful help from your boss, but march to the music of your personally developed plan and goals. You have the most to gain from growing - and the most to lose, if you stand still.

Take Responsibility for Knowing What Is Happening at Work
People complain to me daily that they don't receive enough communication and information about what is happening with their company, their department's projects, or their coworkers. Passive vessels, they wait for the boss to fill them up with knowledge. And, the knowledge rarely comes. Why? Because the boss is busy doing her job and she doesn't know what you don't know. Seek out the information you need to work effectively. Develop an information network and use it. Assertively request a weekly meeting with your boss and ask questions to learn. You are in charge of the information you receive.

Ask for Feedback Frequently
Have you made statements such as, "My boss never gives me any feedback, so I never know how I'm doing." Face it, you really know exactly how you're doing. Especially if you feel positively about your performance, you just want to hear him acknowledge you. If you're not positive about your work, think about improving and making a sincere contribution. Then, ask your boss for feedback. Tell him you'd really like to hear his assessment of your work. Talk to your customers, too; if you're serving them well, their feedback is affirming. You are responsible for your own development. Everything else you get is gravy.

Make Only Commitments You Can Keep
One of the most serious causes of work stress and unhappiness is failing to keep commitments. Many employees spend more time making excuses for failing to keep a commitment, and worrying about the consequences of not keeping a commitment, than they do performing the tasks promised. Create a system of organization and planning that enables you to assess your ability to complete a requested commitment. Don't volunteer if you don't have time. If your workload is exceeding your available time and energy, make a comprehensive plan to ask the boss for help and resources. Don't wallow in the swamp of unkept promises.

Avoid Negativity
Choosing to be happy at work means avoiding negative conversations, gossip, and unhappy people as much as possible. No matter how positively you feel, negative people have a profound impact on your psyche. Don't let the negative Neds and Nellies bring you down.
 Practice Professional Courage
If you are like most people, you don't like conflict. And the reason why is simple. You've never been trained to participate in meaningful conflict, so you likely think of conflict as scary, harmful, and hurtful. Conflict can be all three; done well, conflict can also help you accomplish your work mission and your personal vision. Conflict can help you serve customers and create successful products. Happy people accomplish their purpose for working. Why let a little professional courage keep you from achieving your goals and dreams? Make conflict your friend.

If All Else Fails, Job Searching Will Make You Smile
If all of these ideas aren't making you happy at work, it's time to reevaluate your employer, your job, or your entire career. You don't want to spend your life doing work you hate in an unfriendly work environment. Most work environments don't change all that much. But unhappy employees tend to grow even more disgruntled. You can secretly smile while you spend all of your non-work time job searching. It will only be a matter of time until you can quit your job - with a big smile.
In the end I would like to tell you that it doesn't matter how tough things get. You have to keep pushing and grinding and fighting your way to the TOP!
Anyone can Give Up!
Anyone can look for Excuses!
Anyone can let their Fears & Doubts Conquer them!

But not you...You are going to find a way and you are going to make it through the tough times and one day they will call you LUCKY!
Never stop believing in yourself and your vision! Love, BSR.

Know more about BSR – The Top Motivational Speaker in India - www.bhupendrasinghrathore.in
Follow BSR - BSR the top motivational speaker in india  - www.facebook.com/coachbsr
Motivational Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Key Note Speaker, Firewalk Expert, Mind Trainer, Behavioral Expert, Business Coach, Glass walking, OD Consultant,