The Spirit of Entrepreneurship

I have always believed in the spirit of entrepreneurship and always encourage people to indulge in it and pursue their dreams. Instead of working day-in and day-out for somebody else, putting it the same amount of hard work for our self and transforming our life is something that I believe in. Unfortunately, in India ‘Log Kya Kahenge’ has killed many dreams than anything combined together. People just want to follow already accepted social rules and end up becoming a doctor, an engineer or pursuing an MBA. Nobody wants to break the rules and create something bigger and better for them because there are chances of it backfiring and nobody wants to take that risk. Let me tell you one thing today, if you don’t take risks you will end up living an average life and if you are happy with that then congratulations, you are on the right track. But if you want to own that AUDI or purchase a bungalow in the posh Koregaon Park, you will have to go out of your way to achieve it because only then you can materialise your dreams.

So today I am going to share with you a success story of Pune’s first co-working space and start up community, hoping that it will inspire you in some manner. I was casually surfing the Internet and landed up on this page.

Follow this link to get inspired:

So keep calm and hire yourself to fulfill your dreams. I can assure you this is the best thing that will ever happen to you because I have my own experience. Entrepreneurship is the awesome because you get to plan your own schedule, have creative freedom and can bring ideas to life, work from anywhere and the most important thing, nobody can fire you!

If you are not keen on taking big risks, take measured risks but take them! Adopt this new lifestyle of thinking differently and see your world go 360 degrees around.