No matter what you call it —
manners, courtesy, etiquette, or civility — you can associate it
with leadership. When you take the lead in putting people at ease and
making every situation pleasant, you exhibit poise. Poise comes from being
This is the 21st century and it is
all about networking. If you have any second thoughts in your mind like forcing
an introduction or your business details on a complete stranger during a party
may be taken as a rude or indecent behaviour, leave that thought. Learn to
speak up and invite reactions because you might end up getting a good
opportunity. Social parties are a great time to network and expand your
business circle. If you know how to mingle with people at a party or social
event, you will have an edge over others. So here I am, giving away 8 tips that
will help you party like a rockstar and benefit your business from it.
Think about other people and care
about them. If
you're shy or quiet, learn how to open up to others and not always wait for
them to draw you into a conversation. If you're an extrovert and extremely
outgoing, you may need to rein in your enthusiasm and let other people have the
Act as if you're a host, not a
guest. Reach
out to people standing by themselves, the white-knuckle drinkers, or those that
look obviously uncomfortable. Introduce people to each other. Be helpful, kind,
and genuine. Don't be afraid to approach people. Strangers are merely friends
you haven't met yet. If you focus on the other person's comfort, you can lose
your own self-consciousness.
Be pleasant, cheerful, and upbeat
when mingling, no matter what your mood. If you've had a bad day, don't rain on
anyone else's parade by talking about your negative experience — unless, of
course, you want to be left standing alone. And when ending a conversation, say
that you enjoyed talking with the person or that it was a pleasure meeting her.
Listen more than you talk. You have two ears and one
mouth. Use them in that proportion. Nothing is more flattering than someone who
listens carefully and shows sincere interest in other people.
Know how to gracefully end
conversations. It
is perfectly fine to simply say, "Excuse me, it has been nice meeting
you" or "I've enjoyed our conversation." Then visibly move to
some other part of the room.
Avoid making negative comments on
the room, the food, the guests or your host. In any social situation, making negative
comments, especially when you're a guest in someone's home, is rude. You never
know if another guest can overhear your comments. And, quite often, the person
holding the party delegates the actual planning and details to someone else,
and you could be speaking with someone that helped with the event.
To engage a stranger into a
conversation, find a shared interest. Some common topics of interest include: travel,
children or pets (if you both have them), hobbies, current news
topics (preferably nothing controversial), sports, careers, films, and books.
Avoid any type of talk regarding
physical injuries, sickness, accidents, or off-color language or jokes. Also, commenting on the host's home,
décor, or food; spreading offensive gossip; or bringing up controversial
subjects that could make others uncomfortable or angry is a bad idea. Keep your
tongue in check!
I hope this works for you because it
does for me all the time. If you have any other suggestions, queries or
comments do drop a message in my inbox on:
I will be more than happy to communicate with you.
Until next time, loads of love and
Also, take away this super helpful tip for your next party.
Tip: A good conversationalist knows
how to be patient and not interrupt; be a good listener. And you need to think
about what someone is asking and respond appropriately, just as you need to
think about what you want to say and say it clearly.
Motivational Speaker, Mind Power Expert, Author : Dive Within, Business Coach, Leadership Trainer