About BSR


This is Bhupendra Singh Rathore. You may also address me as BSR. My mission is to help you and your team achieve preeminence – that’s where you become the benchmark by which all others are judged. It’s where you play at such a level that you set the standard for your industry or category. It is achievable. In fact, it’s necessary. If we’re not defining the standard, then someone else is and they are going to enjoy the rewards of being the best. And by the way, either we become the best, or we become irrelevant. There is no middle ground.

These are extreme times. We’re all being subjected to extraordinary stress and scrutiny by everyone around us – our colleagues, our clients, and our communities. Good enough isn’t good enough any more. Even great may not be good enough. The Pursuit of Preeminence is the only path that will deliver the results that you desire and deserve.
So what are my credentials that qualify me to coach you on your path to preeminence?

Since Feb 2008, I have helped over 200 companies bring out the best in their people so their people could bring out their best for their customers. And I would love to do the same for you and your team.

In 2002, I graduated in commerce and learnt about computers and worked with various MNCs like – Colgate Palmolive, Convergys, HCL, IBM and Symantec. During this time I learnt a lot from the corporates and about the corporate world. Somewhere I found that something was missing and I was not very happy working. I was trying to find that missing link and hence I attended many seminars and met many masters. Everyone said – Bhupendra Learn to Follow Your Heart. I also learnt that all I need is within me now and everything is possible in this world. This gave me a new dimension of thinking. I left my well paid job and launched my own training and motivation company, Challenging Horizons Pvt Ltd in the year 2008.

Over the next six years, I trained & coached more than 100 thousand people including entrepreneurs, business leaders & executives. Some of the leaders and executives I have served are from the topmost companies like – Mercedes Benz, JCB, Thermax, Vodafone, Forbes Marshal, Lear Corporation, Vodafone, Tata Technologies, Mubea Engineering, Tata Teleservices, Federal Bank, Foseco, HP and many more. To be able coach people and help them systematically I learnt about NLP, Psychometric Assessments, Coaching Practices, Hypnotherapy, Spirituality, Leadership Lessons & Various Management Practices. My experiences of building, growing and sustaining a business and leading people have been the true guide. I published one book called “Dive Within” to help people understand their hidden powers and potentials. My life’s purpose now is to “Create a positive transformation in Individuals & organizations to enable them to reach their true potential for the benefit of society at large”.

Today, I am one of India’s preeminent coaches and motivators. In the last 12 months, I have delivered over 170 programs to 60 organizations in 19 cities in india. Almost every working day, I am speaking to an organization somewhere in the country. I live to speak and I speak to live. Helping people understand what they are capable of and making them realize who they are is what excites me. Every program is my most important program. I deliver every one as though it could be my last because one day I will be right. I make every session a once-in-a-lifetime experience for my delegates. I immerse them in the insights and distinctions that accelerate their path to preeminence. They laugh. They share. They talk. They have fun. I believe that life is theatre with consequences and no-one ever bored anyone into doing anything. That’s why people leave my sessions with the purpose and passion to win, enjoy and make a huge difference.

In case you want to know more about me then I suggest let’s connect and I would be more than happy to share whatever you want to know.

But don’t just take my word for it. Check out what some of the world’s best organizations have to say about my contribution to their success.

Also check out my range of programs. I will customize the right one in the right way to thrill and delight your people.

I look forward to our conversation. Until then, remember: Think Big. Take Action and Believe in Yourself.

Live With Passion.
Lots Of Love,