The world face is fast evolving, demanding and competitive. And in this today’s world, an aware person has the vantage-point.


We see every spectrum of life today moves with an accelerated speed. Speed, as an essential equity has arrived to stay in the fast moving society. Only an aware person possesses the kind of speed to become a winner. Because we know that even while a mediocre person is wasting time thinking, an aware person has already made a break through.

So what is awareness?

Awareness is knowing what you already have. And then the things you do not have. Awareness is being conscious of your surroundings and to be always present in the moment. Awareness is knowing your skill sets that you possess -- mental and physical. The knowledge of the existence of such a mind power called ‘Awareness’ decides the differentiator. It divides people into two sections -- winners and losers.

 Awareness gives you power.

Most people range between less aware to completely unaware.  The rest all are winners.

People are basically ignorant of their strengths and weaknesses. They fail to recognise what they are good at and identify their passion early in life to make good of it. They get themselves a job at random and live on unhappily, mostly cribbing and complaining for the rest of their lives.

So what does awareness do?

Awareness makes you happy. Knowing that the awareness parameter exists, people can take stock of their strengths, like “I have an excellent leadership skill,” “I have good managerial skill,” “I am good at basketball,” “I can bake well,” “I can speak well,” etc. While most people use their skills in their everyday lives, they are not actively aware of its presence. So they fail to optimally use them. Like, if I am a good basketball player then I should get myself trained professionally and not study civil engineering. Or, if I have a gift in baking, then I should plan on opening a bakery and not get a job in a multinational company. Or that if I am so passionate about being a doctor than I should probably not join the army. This, in the long run, will make me unhappy.  Being unhappy will never let me give my 100% to the job at hand. If I fail to give 100% to my job then I will never be successful in my life. And that’s how most people lead their lives. It’s called the life of mediocrity and dissatisfaction.

Awareness is that knowledge which makes you believe that each and every person should follow their passion. They should hone their skills towards that very passion. They should never give up. This is, in a nutshell, the success mantra.

All the big names worth taking in every walk of life, followed their passion and were highly aware. To name a few -- Amitabh Bachchan,  Sachin Tendulkar, MS Dhoni, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Narayan Murthy, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa,  and Neil Armstrong.

We all know that the list of great people is unending. One look will tell you that all they have done with their lives is follow their passion wholeheartedly and were highly aware of their abilities that actually made them reach their desired goal.

A highly aware person belongs to that list of winner. If you give yourself 15 minutes a day towards acquiring this ‘awareness’ parameter in your life, you may also add up to this very existing list. It’s not difficult, neither impossible. These people did not come from outer world. They are very much like us -- only just highly aware.

So know what awareness is. Be aware. And win in life. Because all others are losers!