Defeat Negative Voices in Your Head

We all go through a phase in our lives where we self-doubt and act like paranoids. There is this nagging little voice in our heads that rules us. It tells us not to do anything productive because it may require efforts and there are chances that we could fail. It tells us that we are not good enough to do a certain task. So, all we want to do is keep on lying in our beds waiting for things to happen and life to unfold. And while we wait in our so called comfort zone, we end up becoming a slave to this negative voice and it starts governing our lives.
Let’s defeat that negative voice!

Acknowledge the voice
The inner voice has always been there.   Since it has always been there, we tend to go about life without acknowledging that it is actually there and what it does to us.  So the first step, just like with any problem, is to acknowledge it.  Be truthful and honest with yourself, as this is not something that can be easy for some people to admit, but it is necessary.  Once you make yourself aware that it is there and what it does to you, then you are in a better position to deal with it correctly.

Drown it with positive thoughts

Whenever you catch that voice telling you something negative, counter it with something positive.  For example, say you are supposed to go work out, but that voice says “no, we’re comfortable here, let’s not move”, counter it right away with a “yes, I can do it, and I am doing it!”  The more you do that, the more that negative voice will be eclipsed quickly, and eventually all that will remain is the positive rebuttal.  So in that regard, you are submerging the negativity with positivity.

Visualize your goals

Typically that negative voice is a direct result of having the wrong visualization in mind.  For example, you focus on how comfortable you are and that’s why you are less likely to move and go work out.  Now, instead of feeding that negative voice with the imagery that it needs in order to get you to do what it wants, change the imagery to what you WANT to accomplish instead.  Say you have that dessert in front of you and that voice tells you how much you should get it and how it will be good…think about that body you want to have and that feeling of being in complete control of yourself.  If you have this huge task to do, instead of thinking about how boring it might be and listen to that voice that says not to do it, think about the feeling of completing that task and how it will help you be more successful.  Visualization is key and having the right kind of visualization makes all the difference.

Think positive.  Life is good.  Too many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting pure gold.  Positive thinking isn’t about expecting the best to always happen, but accepting that whatever happens is the best for the moment.  So keep smiling and keep staying true to your heart.  Someday, the negative voice inside you will have nothing left to say.
What negative thoughts do you often struggle with?  How do you cope?  Please leave a comment below and share your insights with us.

I will be sharing a lot of other tips also during my upcoming event ‘The Power of Real You’ on 17th May in Pune. To know more about it, visit my site:, will love to see you there.